Friday, July 18, 2014

about 3 months till the marathon

As some of you know I'm training for the bay-state marathon in Allston MA.  I like to do a fall marathon with my brother and since this one is about an hour away from his house and has had good reviews we thought it would be a good one.  It is also a week after Chicago which a lot of Rockwall runners are running so it will be good to give it a try even thought it might be a little bit early in the fall season.
After seeing the course on the website I like that it is is a two loop course and doesn't have too many turns.  I think my forte are courses that are flat and cool.  My training up to this point has been going okay, it is definitely the time for me to start increasing up my mileage in order for me to get in the zone.  Also most for my long runs have been around 10-14 which is okay but I definitely want to start getting some higher mileage.  Finally, my weight is a bit high right now, as I'm at 172 lbs.  Ideally, I want to be in the 160 lbs. range and I'm working towards it.  Although three months until peak may sound like a ways, I know that it is now when I have to be working and putting in the mileage if I want to be running at my best during October. As far as races before then I haven't decided on any, since I don't like to race during the summer, due to the heat.  If I don't do any tune up races I will at least get some marathon pace long runs in order to simulate race conditions. I'm finding that as I'm increasing my mileage my muscles are getting pretty sore especially my calf's so I'm taking extra time to stretch and roll them in order for the muscles to loosen up a little bit.   I'm excited about Bay-state, I know that I'm not in peak shape just yet, but since Chicago marathon in 2012 I haven't really had a pr race in a marathon and I definitely want to get back there.


  1. You will get there! Remember to be patient, train smart, and always listen to your body!

  2. In other words: Shake it but don't break it!
