August 17 Rest
August 18 13 miles around Gaston MS
August 19 13 miles around Gaston MS
August 20 13 miles around Gaston MS
August 21 11.4 miles around Gaston MS
August 22 20.2 WRL to Baylor Hospital
August 23 20.2 WRL to Baylor Hospital
Total 90.9 miles
What a difference as week makes! This week felt much better in general. Early morning miles were in cool 70 degree weather which was much different than last week. The miles felt smoother and as you can see I was able to bump up the mileage almost 11 more than the usual. I haven't written about it before, but I'm 4 weeks out from the Boston Marathon virtual run. Not really sure how to run it at this point, but I think a lot of it will be dependent on factors such as weather. It will be my first virtual run, so I hope it will turn to a good experience. Luckily several clubs around Dallas, have volunteered to assist with hydration centers which is very much appreciate it.
The mental game
So as most of you know my profession is as a mental health professional, and I try and apply many of the mental health concepts into the world of running. One thing that particularly stood out this week was the concept of 'Flow.' Which can be defined as a state of pure enjoyment in which one has mastered a task and has reached a level in which something difficult has become significantly easier. In other words flow is a state of concentration when one masters a task. The concept was made famous by the Russian Psychologist Dr. Csikzentmihalyi's. If you haven't read the best seller it is definitely worth a read.
As the weather cooled this week, I was reminded of the concept in several ways. First, the runs this week just felt easier, especially when I look back two weeks ago. Second, many of the runs I was just lost in time. During the week, I would stop counting laps and it just felt like my legs were moving effortlessly. Finally, the mental state I though in general was much better and I was able to think clearer and asses different things have been going on in my head. For example some of the anxiety I've been having due to the pandemic I was able to process during that time and I think it certainly helped.
The Flow Chart
This week was a good reminder of the different emotions one can experience when running and how these emotions affect the perception of a run. When one reaches a high level of control and relaxation one is able to process things in a more congruent manner in which they can problem solve and are more aware of situations that they can control. The chart was a great reminder of my goals and the reason for why I continue to work towards them.
Thinking Clearly
One thing that has really helps me more than any physical benefit I think when running is the notion of thinking clearly. Sometimes when I get so caught up in a problem it can be very easy to deviate from the reality and to take a path that hinders the problem solving process. It has been through engaging in exercise that I have had my best ideas, and some of the issues I have faced I have been able to gain a greater perspective just by running. The thoughts become more manageable and the locus of control begins to take shape. If I were to pin point one of the main benefits of running, I think this notion of reaching flow and being able to process situations better would probably be on the top of my list.
Not Linear
As this chart illustrates this process is not linear. Much like running and being able to achieve peak performance most of the time it is not a linear process. As I ran the Houston Marathon in January of this year I was on pace to attempt to break my Personal Record, until I hit miles 20+, I was certain I was in peak shape and even though I wasn't able to break my all time PR I did run my second best marathon ever. Looking back I don't regret a thing and I was glad I was able to challenge the time to my limit. So keeping things in perspective is important, and I certainly think that as I continue to put in the mileage and the work, a PR in the near future is certainly realistic even if that PR is from 2012.
Final Thoughts
The week has reminded me of many things. One of those is the one of the main influences for my why? Overall the weather assisted and the added mileage has given me confidence that I am able to continue go get the mileage and the runs in. Thank you for reading my thoughts and all the best!
Houston Marathon 2020
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